Investment Options

You have a number of investment funds in which to choose to invest your additional voluntary contributions. You may do this by completing an Investment Selection Form (found in the document library).

The funds give you access to the four major asset classes (shares, Government and company bonds, property and cash) and range from low risk to high risk.

If you do not make an active investment choice then your contributions will by default be invested in the Cash Lifestyle fund (Default Lifestyle Fund). This invests across a range of investments according to the period to your retirement and targets 100% cash holdings at your retirement date. 

Please note that the value of your investment can go down as well as up.

For further advice on investments you are advised to consult with an FSA approved Financial Adviser alist of which can be found on the IFA Promotions website:  

Global Equity

L&G Global Equity Market Weights 30:70 Index Fund 
To provide diversified exposure to UK and overseas equity markets while reducing foreign currency exposure of 75% of the overseas assets. A 30/70 distribution between UK and overseas assets is maintained with the overseas allocation mirroring that of the FTSE All World (ex-UK) IndexHigh0.44%

L&G Multi-Asset Fund
To provide long-term investment growth through exposure to a diversified range of asset classes. The diversified nature of the Fund means that the Fund is expected to have less exposure than an equity-only fund to adverse equity market conditions. However, the Fund may perform less strongly than an equity-only fund in benign or positive market conditionsCautious0.43%
UK Index-linked Government Bond

L&G Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index Fund 
To track the performance of the FTSE A Index-linked (Over 5 Year) Index (including re-invested income) to within +/- 0.25% each year for two out of three years.Cautious0.38%    
UK Fixed-interest Government Bond

L&G Over 15 Year Gilts Index Fund
To track the sterling total returns of the FTSE A Government (Over 15 Year) Index to within +/- 0.25% per annum for two years in three.Cautious0.38%
UK Corporate Bond

L&G AAA-AA-A Corporate Bond (Over 15 Years) Fund
To track the performance of the Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts (ex-BBB) Over 15 Year Index (including re-invested income) to within +/- 0.50% each year for two years out of threeCautious0.42%

L&G Ethical Global Equity Index Fund
To track the performance of the FTSE4Good Global Equity Index (including re-invested income) to within +/- 0.5% each year for two years out of three.High0.60%

HSBC Life Amanah Fund
To create long term appreciation of capital through investment in a diversified portfolio of securities as defined by a relevant world index, which meets Islamic investment principles as interpreted and laid down by the Shariah Committee and provided to the Board of Directors.High0.35%

L&G Cash Fund
To provide capital protection with growth at short term interest rates. The fund invests in the short-term money markets such as bank deposits and Treasury Bills. Minimal0.40%

  * The charges shown above include an L&G platform fee of 0.3% pa