
Active Member

An employee who is a member of the Scheme and accruing benefits and/or paying contributions under the Scheme.

Annual Allowance

The total pension savings that you can build-up from all sources in any one Pension Input Period without incurring a tax charge. (Excludes State pension benefits).


A pension bought from an insurance company using your DC Account fund at retirement. It is a financial product which guarantees to provide you with an income at retirement.

Basic State Pension

The flat rate pension provided by the State, where the amount currently depends on your National Insurance contribution record.

Cautious Risk

If you’ve got a cautious attitude to risk, it’s likely that, when investing your money, you look for the security that your investment’s value won’t go up and down a lot.

DC Account

The value of units purchased with both your own and the contributions paid by your Employer on your behalf.

Default Investment Option

Contributions paid by you and your Employer are invested using a fixed investment pattern in a range of pre-selected investment funds. Sometimes referred to as a Lifestyle Fund.

Defined Contribution Scheme

A pension scheme, like the ITB DC Section, where the pension  benefits are based on the value of the contributions paid in by a member and their Employer.


The Employer with whom you have a contract of employment relevant to the DC Section.

Flexible Retirement

The ability to take all or some benefits from the scheme while remaining in the same employment.

High Risk

If you’re prepared to take high risk, it’s likely that you’re an experienced and knowledgeable investor, whose primary aim is to achieve the highest possible returns on your money, while accepting that this means taking substantial risks.

Lifestyle Fund

An investment fund featuring an asset mix determined by the level of risk and return that is appropriate for your age.

Lifetime Allowance

The total pension savings that you can build-up from all sources during your lifetime, without incurring an extra tax charge (the lifetime allowance charge).

Minimal Risk

If you’re only prepared to take minimal risk it’s likely that your main concern is the security of your money.

Open Market Option

The option to apply the proceeds of your DC Account to buy an annuity/pension at a current market rate from another insurance company.

Paid-up Benefits

A preserved pension benefit which may be secured with a provider either by you on your behalf when you cease paying contributions

Pension Input Period

The period over which the Annual Allowance is calculated. The Pension Input Period for the ITB Pension Funds is from 1 April to the following 31 March each year.

Pension Sharing Order

An order made by the Courts which makes provision for a member’s pension rights to be split on divorce.

Pensionable Salary

Your annual basic salary excluding any overtime, bonuses or other fluctuating payments and is the salary basis for contributions and life assurance cover under the Scheme.

Pensionable Service

Service you complete whilst an Active Member.


An insurance company appointed by the Trustees to provide investments or Annuities in relation to the Scheme.

Qualifying Service

The period of service completed during which contributions were made into the pension by you and your Employer.

Salary Sacrifice

An agreement between you and your Employer whereby you forgo part of your future earnings.  In return you are relieved from the obligation to pay contributions to the Scheme – instead your Employer pays a corresponding contribution on your behalf.


The DC Section of the ITB Pension Funds

Scheme Year

The financial year of the Scheme. The ITB Pension Funds’ Scheme Year is 1 April to 31 March.

State Second Pension (S2P)

The S2P provides an additonal pension from State Pension Age.  You will normally accrue S2P pension whilst a member of the Scheme.  Although S2P may be deferred beyond State Pension Age, it may not be paid early.

Transfer Value

The value which you may require to be paid as part of a Pension Sharing Order, or as part of a transfer of benefits to another pension scheme.

Trust Deed and Rules

The ITB Pension Funds’ Trust Deed and Rules as amended from time to time.  The Trust Deed and Rules include provisions about the powers and duties of the Trustees and Employers, and the basis on which contributions must be paid and benefits are provided.


Those responsible for the management and administration of the Scheme in accordance with the formal documents that govern the Scheme and relevant UK legislation. They are also responsible for the safekeeping of the money and investments belonging to the Scheme.

Waiting Period

A period of service specified in the DC Section rules which you must serve before being entitled to join the Scheme.