Defined Contribution
Welcome to the ITB Pension Funds’ DC Section
The message is simple!
From the time you become an Active Member of the Scheme your Employer will contribute monthly into your pension account on your behalf. The Scheme therefore provides an attractive, convenient and easy way for you to save for retirement and, as your own contributions to the Scheme are deducted monthly directly from your pay, you will receive tax relief through the payroll.
About the Scheme
The Scheme is set up under the ITB Pension Funds’ Trust Deed and Rules and is administered by the Trustee. The assets of the Scheme are separate from those of your Employer and are invested through independent investment managers, whose performance is monitored by the Trustee and its professional investment advisers.
Under a law introduced in 2012, employers must offer a workplace pension scheme and automatically enrol certain workers (called ‘Eligible Jobholders’) into it.
Eligible Jobholders who are not currently Active Members must be automatically enrolled into a suitable pension scheme. Your Employer will also let you know if any special arrangements apply, in addition to those outlined on this website.
Note that Eligible Jobholders who have opted-out must be re-enrolled every three years.
If you have any questions on auto-enrolment in general, then please contact the ITB Funds’ Office or your HR department.