Death in Retirement

Upon your death after retiring the following benefits may be payable:

  • a pension payable to your spouse/civil partner


  • a pension payable to your child/children

Spouse’s/Civil Partners Pension

Provided the marriage of a spouse or the registration of a civil partnership took place prior to the Member leaving Pensionable Service then a spouse's/civil partners pension is payable. If the marriage/registration took place after the date the Member left the Scheme please see ‘Post Leaving Marriages/Registrations’ below.

On the death of a Pensioner of the Closed Fund the spouse/civil partner receives two-thirds of the Member's pension at date of retirement (before any reduction for any tax-free lump sum taken at the time of retirement) plus increases since date of retirement.

Post Leaving Marriages/Registrations 

The Scheme also recognises post-leaving marriages/registrations, however there are qualifying conditions that affect payment, or the value, of a spouse’s pension.

  • To be eligible for a pension the marriage/registration MUST have taken place a minimum of 1 YEAR prior to the death of the Pensioner.
  • If the spouse/civil partner of the post leaving marriage/registration is eligible and is MORE THAN 5 YEARS younger than the Pensioner then there is a reduction in the spouse's/civil partners benefit on a sliding scale.

Children’s Pensions

Whether or not you are a married member, your children may also be entitled to receive a pension.

To qualify your children must be: -

  • under age 16


  • aged 16 or over and in approved full-time education.

Children’s pensions must stop at the attainment of age 23.

Please contact the Funds' Office if you would like to know the rate at which the Children's Pensions would be payable.